Stephen, this review had me laughing so hard I was almost crying — that IKEA line is especially funny! I love the format of these reviews, knowing what scared you and what didn’t, but especially these thoughts you have that you write at the end…omg this edition is hilarious!! I loved it!

Also, I don’t know if I didn’t see this soon enough to be scared (I’m in my 40s and probably saw this in my late teens, so in the 1990s?) but I never thought it was that scary, but I think it’s because a stalker and/or mystery is much scarier to me than possession or religious horror. Although - have you seen the show Evil? Watch that elevator episode!

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Thanks Reda! I'm having so much fun writing these, and relieved that people are finding them funny ❤️

Never heard of Evil - I'll look it up right now 👍🏻

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Interesting, I'm scared in the opposite way because I feel I can't fight or kill the supernatural. I need to check out Evil.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Stephen Duffy

"I didn’t find The Exorcist scary at all. It’s a real shame, because back in the '70s, this was probably one of the scariest films ever made. However, horror has gotten scarier since then." After having seen this on the big screen, over 50 years ago Stephen, I can confirm and guarantee you that it was not probably the scariest movie I had ever seen, it Was the scariest movie that ever was at the time. Not just for me, for millions worldwide. It was also nominated for Best Picture which at that time almost never happened (and rarely now) with a horror movie. I would suggest special effects have gotten scarier since then. Imagine what you personally consider the ultimate in a horror movie right now, and then think about how it will be viewed and panned in 2075. Interesting note, the demonic voice that was so well done was supplied by a woman, actress Mercedes McCambridge. Good review, I really enjoy these. - Jim

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Thanks Jim! And I totally appreciate that horror probably ages worse than most genres. Then again, horror wouldn't be what it is today without movies like The Exorcist and The Omen.

I knew about the Oscar nomination but never realised the demonic voice was played by a woman - assumed it was multiple people. Glad you enjoy the reviews, as I'm really enjoying doing them! 👍🏻

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Sep 10Liked by Stephen Duffy

I am an embarrassing example of a film worshipper/trivia master when it comes to this film. Note of interest; Jason Miller who played Father Karras, won a Pulitzer for his play "That Championship Season" and went to a Jesuit school in college. Also worth mentioning too that the cast was loaded with stars and future stars. Ellyn Burstyn went on to have a huge career, including winning an Academy Award for Best Actress, Max van Sydow should have won at least 2 in his long illustrious career and Lee J. Cobb (Detective Kinderman) could have easily won best supporting somewhere along the line in all-time classic movies including; On The Waterfront, Brothers Karamazov, 12 Angry Men and Death of a Salesman. And with that I'll stop hogging up all the space here, haha. - Jim

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I love me some trivia, Jim! We should do a movie quiz on here some time! 😀👍🏻

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Sep 10Liked by Stephen Duffy

Haha, or Jeopardy, I'll take Old Farts for a 1000, Alex

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Think if you saw it back in the day like we did, you still bring that younger self to the table. I can watch it and not be bothered, but I do need a moment to brace myself. This movie was also a masterclass in scary music.

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It's funny you mention scary music, because we all know the Tubular Bells theme, but thats only featured twice in the film, and not even during the major horror moments 🤷‍♂️

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Sep 15Liked by Stephen Duffy

Scary Movie 2’s parody of The Exorcist gets me every time.

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Take my strong hand 🤣🤣

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Sep 16Liked by Stephen Duffy

Him and those mashed potatoes 😖

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You have me howling at this review! It's quite interesting to hear your take. I unfortunately, saw it in the 70's and was scarred for life. It's funny you put the head turning around pic because as a kid, what really bothered me about it was that it looked like a doll. Dolls really freak me out and the thought that there was a doll in some movie studio that looked like that was very unsettling to me. When I was a teenager, I was watching a TV show about special effects and there was my nightmare propped up in a corner. They didn't mention it just walked right on by as I was at home jumping up and down and screaming "IT LIVES!" Really enjoyed your post.

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Glad you enjoyed it, Colleen - I had a lot of fun writing it! 😂

Yeah the doll is super creepy, and this film freaked me out as a kid even though I hadn't seen it. Just the image of Regan at her worst was enough to give me nightmares!

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Sep 11Liked by Stephen Duffy

You - “Once more into the breach dear brother!”

Me seeing it’s horror films - “No”

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I walk much faster up the stairs at night when I've turned the last light off 🤣

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Interesting approach to a movie review. "The Exorcist" was very impactful when it came out, but I think it hasn't aged well.

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I love how you break down each movie. Even down to the quotes and moments. Super neat. Really shows that you actually sat down and watched it too.

Exorcist was not scary to me at all. I remember laughing at it when I was younger. I was like why are people losing sleep over this?! It's still a classic though.

Although, I may have felt that way because I have watched so many scary movies already and this one, for its time was super scary.

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Thank you Kathy! I love doing this, so that's why I'm happy to take my time with it ❤️

I'd love to find the oldest, still scary horror movie. The search continues!

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Oooo watch Evil Dead (the original), then attempt the remake if you want.

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I saw the trailer for that remake and omfg it looked terrifying!

Okay, you've convinced me 🤣

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I loved it both haha. Super fun (or terrifying haha). It’s a cult classic for a reason.

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Sep 10Liked by Stephen Duffy

Very cool review! Honestly, what I think scared folks first time round was that the initial ads were everywhere but gave NO information. We all had dreamt up our own worst case scenarios before the film was in the theatres.

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Thank you! And that's an interesting point you make. As a kid, I saw a wax model of Regan in her bed (with motion and sound effects) in Maddame Tussauds and it terrified me! I hadn't even seen the film and it was giving me nightmares 🤣🙈

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