Title: Insidious
Director: James Wan
Year of Release: 2011
Scaredy Cat Level: 👻👻
Subgenre: Supernatural Horror
Plot Summary (Spoiler-Free)
Josh and Renai Lambert have just settled into their absurdly large new house with their two sons, Dalton and Foster, and their baby daughter, Kali. Things start off great – until the usual “creepy new house” problems arise: mysterious noises, doors that open by themselves, and the overwhelming sense that something is definitely not right. Just when you think things can't get worse, Dalton takes a nap and decides not to wake up. Ever.
Naturally, the Lamberts do what any reasonable family would do: pack up and move. Problem solved, right? Wrong. It turns out, you can move out of a haunted house, but you can’t move away from the supernatural shenanigans if they’re hitching a ride with your kid (sort of). Cue the creepy stuff cranking up to 11.
The rest of this review contains some details and thoughts that might reveal a bit more about the movie.
The Scaredy Cat Experience
Jump Scare Count: Four or five, but honestly, they weren’t that bad – even for me. They were pretty predictable.
Tense Moments: The attic scenes in the beginning, and a few nighttime scenes where creepy stuff happens while everyone’s supposed to be asleep, had me on edge. I spent most of the first half waiting for it to get really scary. I’m
relieveddisappointed to say that it never really happened.Spooky Atmosphere: The first house was genuinely creepy, and it was used well in the beginning (until they moved). But “The Further” – the other realm where the spirits reside – didn’t really do it for me. It felt more "meh" than menacing.
The Funny Bits
The main bad guy with the red face? Kinda funny-looking. Once you get a good look at him, he’s more “horny devil fetish” than “terrifying demon.”
Scaredy Cat Verdict
I didn’t find Insidious all that scary, though there were a few tense moments. Not a bad film overall, and a good starting point if you’re new to horror or a fellow scaredy cat like me.
Final Thoughts
I enjoyed parts of the film, especially the “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” scene – definitely a highlight. I would’ve loved to see more of Renai (the wife) losing it; she was on the brink! Unfortunately, a lot of the tension felt anticlimactic, and most of the scares didn’t quite get me.
Bits That Scared Me (Sort Of)
Face at the baby's window
Someone in the room with the wife
A random noise in my own house!
Creepy face behind the husband at the dining table
The camera/twin girls
Photos with the witch in the background—kinda creepy
The witch just casually walking past the dad in the old house
Girl with the gun and the creepy smile
The hand in the drawer
My (Out-of-Context) Thoughts During the Movie
"Fuck this."
"There’s noises in the house… she’s going up to the attic (why?)."
"Now the boy’s gone up to the attic himself—is he fucking mental?"
"Husband seems like a bit of a dick."
"Imagine he was just pretending to be asleep?"
"Baby monitors give me the fear."
"I knew it! He was pretending to be asleep!"
"Couldn’t he have corrected those papers at home?"
"I’m sure everything will be fine now that they’ve moved house."
"Ooh, ‘Tiptoe Through the Tulips’!"
"Rose Byrne is trippin'."
"Follow his fucking voice, Dalton!"
"That is quite the tongue!"
"So they sold their big house for no reason?"
"Sending the husband in seems like a bad idea."
"I bet those ghosts are dying to laugh!"
"I like that red door."
"Why is it dark everywhere?"
"That lantern is useless."
"The dad has lost it!"
Smh, you know it’s up for the characters when the
house is ridiculously big….
Useful review!
You know, I've seen "Insidious," but I can't remember anything about it.
I guess that's my review. :)